

  • Roller singulator provides maximum cup fill and excellent fruit orientation and rotation for camera viewing
  • Four soft rubber singulator wheels for gentle and positive rotation
  • Camera viewing is not distorted by misplaced labels because labels are applied AFTER fruit leaves roller singulator
  • Roller singulator ends before labels are applied, so no labels have to be removed from rollers
  • Variable speed forward and reverse wheel rotation in singulation area
  • Unique floating carrier design guarantees highly accurate weighing
  • Rugged glass-reinforced molded plastic fruit carriers
  • Automatic and continuous cup tare
  • New digital camera optics deliver greater precision, accuracy and stability of settings
  • Utilizing long life LED lighting for more uniform color detection and lower heat and power consumption
  • Label interface for single or multiple banks of label applicators
  • 0-600 fruit pieces per minute
  • Fruit carrier lowers, gently delivering fruit to special let-down brush or vinyl drape transfers and then onto crossbelt conveyor
  • Anodized aluminum sides and combination plastic-stainless steel cup carrier tracks eliminate rusting
  • Sturdy tubular steel-frame construction
  • Small diameter pulleys eliminate fruit drop
  • Oversize drive shafts and sprockets
  • Maximum length: 180 feet
  • Up to 8 lanes with 1 to 64 drops
  • 12 programmable color grades and 15 size selections
  • Grower accounting program
  • Blemish optics and software available for some fruit
  • Computer systems are custom built to maximize performance while protecting against hardware failure/downtime
  • Windows 7 supported for sizer operating programs
  • Multiple sizers can be operated from single operator station
  • Desktop, Laptop, Mini, & Micro PC options available